Why Training Trumps Recruiting Every Time

As a leader, one of your primary challenges is to identify and recruit the leaders who will staff your team. But recruiting is just the first step. To be effective, each of those leaders must be trained—and become responsible for training others.

That’s why equipping leaders must become a background activity in your organization: something that’s always taking place behind the scenes. Finding great leaders is important, but keeping them informed, equipped, and motivated is what really pays dividends.

Here are four types of training every leader on your team needs to receive.

  1. Information

Management decisions are made based on information in the form of market research, data analysis, financial reporting, and cultural trends, to name a few. That means your leaders must be updated regularly through briefings, reporting, trade publications, and other forms of information sharing.

If you fail to inform your leaders of what’s happening or what matters, they’ll be making decisions based on yesterday’s assessment of reality. Keep the team up to date.

  1. Instruction

The culture of any organization resides in its process and procedures—the way things are done. New leaders must learn “the way” of operating. Regular refreshers are also important. Culture drifts, just like vision.

  1. Equipping

Most jobs require specialized knowledge that a leader may or may not bring in the door. I’m talking about anything from specific computer software to operating equipment and even government regulations. Invest the money in training on the front end. It will save you in the long run.

  1. Inspiration

The football “huddle” isn’t just to call the plays; it’s also a time to fire up the team. There is an excitement that results from getting together to be reminded of the mission, celebrate victories, and dream about the future. Call your leaders apart for times reflection, instruction, and motivation.  It’s like putting fuel in their tank.

Recruit leaders with the attitude and vision to accomplish something great, then give them the training needed to achieve it. You’ll be amazed at what they can do!

I’d love to hear your ideas for training new leaders. Share your answer on Twitter or Facebook.
